Low–income – A minimum of one-third of tripartite Board membership must be democratically selected representatives of low-income individuals and families who reside in the geographic area being served. The implicit intent of this requirement is to insure that those who currently live in areas served by the agency are represented so that they have a strong voice in agency governance and direction and are able to convey to those they represent the presence and significance of community action in their lives.

Public “Elected officials or their Representatives” – One-third must be elected officials, holding office at their time of selection, or their representatives. If a sufficient number of elected representatives are not available to serve, appointive public officials or their representatives may take the place of the elected officials. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage awareness of poverty needs within the community and action by local governments, and to foster close coordination and partnership between public agencies and the eligible entities.

Private “Major Groups and Interests in the Community Served” – The remaining Board members must be chosen from “business, industry, labor, religious, law enforcement, education, or other major groups and interests in the community served.” Their role is to reflect and involve key interests and resources within the community to guide agency actions and outcomes.

Board Member Volunteer Meeting Hours Form – PDF Version of Board Member Volunteer Form

If you are interested in applying for membership to our Board of Directors, you can fill out a Board of Directors Volunteer Application and submit your resume on-line by clicking the “Apply for Board Membership” button below.

Board Meeting Notice October 21, 2024PDF Version Of Meeting Notice